Social Impact

Here is a round up of all the social impact work carried as part of the  A9-A904 Westfield Improvement Project so  far.

January Update


Educational Engagement – The Big Design Challenge

The Big Design Challenge has been ongoing in a number of local schools over the recent period. This challenge has also given opportunity for schools to attend site to gain an understanding of the industry, this project and have a site tour. The site visit has helped them see and understand the real life challenges within the industry which they have been looking at in their own design challenge.

The Challenge culminated in a show case event at Falkirk High School.



Click the link to view the full report

Social Impact Report April



What is Social Impact?

Social Impact refers to the positive impact or benefits that construction projects can bring to communities beyond the physical structures they create.

With the key aim of positively contributing to the overall betterment of society, Social Impact encompasses a wide range of outcomes that create the greatest economic, social and environmental value for local communities, so delivering legacy and long-term benefits. This can include supporting local businesses, creating job opportunities, prioritising environmental sustainability, and promoting social inclusion.

Community Stakeholder Event

The Falkirk Council and Balfour Beatty project team hosted a business breakfast in September 2023. Presenting an overview of planned works, the event provided community stakeholders with the opportunity to pose any questions to the project team. In addition, it provided a forum to explore and feed into our social impact aspirations for the project.

Working collaboratively with community stakeholders will be key in ensuring that, as well as delivering vital infrastructure improvement works, this project also delivers meaningful and measurable benefits to the surrounding community through a positive social legacy that are led by the needs of the community.